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“Last year, on a visit to Venice, and during a performance of Vivaldi’s ‘The Four Seasons’ at the Santa Maria della Pietà, thoughts of these paintings first came to mind."

‘The Four Seasons - The Paintings’

These large scale, semi-abstract and expressive paintings are full of complex colours and patterns. They are packed with energy and movement, and reflect some of nature's magical moments as the seasons unfold: finding rainbows as tulips spring to life; mellow mallow and friends say hello; falling leaves of gold dance in the autumn breeze; and in the glow of a winter snow moon, the tide turns and the ice cracks.


They are all about colour and how it generates an emotional response. They are about the reaction of one colour to another; about deliberate marks that evoke spontaneous ones; about the textured strokes of a palette knife versus the softness of a brush; and about layers upon layers of paint creating their own moments in time.



“to hear the colour and see the sound"..  

The paintings are my own interpretation of the four seasons.

When finished, they were viewed simultaneously while listening to Vivaldi's musical interpretation to see how they gelled. The opportunity to share this unique experience with an audience, is brought to fruition by projecting big close-up images of the paintings behind musicians during a live performance.” 

(19:30, 8 June, 2024)”


‘Lost in Venice’ 

A series of abstract chalk pastels that were drawn in Venice, are now lost. However, digital copies of these pastels were made, and prints are on display with poems. 


built on more than one hundred isles

with water running through its veins

feel the pulse and hear the trickle

see reflections in a Venetian dream

Keith Rogers I February 2024 (extract)



In addition to the paintings and pastels, experimental drypoint and monoprints explore my fascination about living in this wondrous city.



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